Using this portal to register for your Advocis courses will ensure you receive the maximum possible discount on all of your registration fees.

To start the registration process, click the REGISTER NOW button for the course that you are interested in.

Please register for all Advocis course programs through this portal only.

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Advocis Life License Qualification Program (LLQP)

The first step in becoming licensed to offer insurance solutions to your clients is to successfully complete an approved Life Licensing Qualification Program (LLQP). Recognized as one of the top programs leading to a first-time pass rate, the Advocis LLQP is the best choice to develop the product understanding to get your career underway. The Advocis LLQP program is organized according to the specific learning areas the provincial regulator will test you on.

Important Information! Please read the following:
By agreeing to register for the Advocis Life License Qualification Program (LLQP), I certify that I have undertaken due diligence to understand any conflicts of interest that may apply between Immigration Canada and the provincial insurance council relevant to the jurisdiction in which I intend to apply for a life insurance license. I certify that I am aware of which professions are considered a conflict and will prevent me from holding a life insurance license simultaneously. If I am a permit holder (Open, International Student or Student Work Permit) I have confirmed with my immigration lawyer that my permit qualifies me to hold a life insurance license.

Register Now for the LLQP Program

PFA Designation Web Buttons

Professional Financial Advisor (PFA™) Designation

The Professional Financial Advisor (PFA) designation was created to meet the everyday demands of the professional financial advisor. With practice-based training in a real-world environment, the PFA focuses on practice development, financial planning and compliance & ethics to help newer advisors get a successful head start while also empowering existing advisors to fine-tune the primary building blocks of their business.

Once you have completed the 4 PFA designation courses (791 to 794) , you may then register to write the Final Comprehensive exam. The Final Comprehensive Exam is scheduled four times a year (February, May, August and November).


Business Elements
Enhancing Client Connections
Building Client Value
Fine Tuning Your Practice & The Value of Advice

Questions? Contact our Member and Client Services team at for more information on all Advocis designation programs.

If you are an Advisor and have questions regarding your Errors & Omissions (E&O) insurance policy with Advocis Broker Services please click the button below:

E&O Insurance